Erik B. Lightner and Sherry L. Lightner to Brookfield Global Relocation Services, LLC for $500,000; Rice Township.
Brookfield Global Relocation Services LLC to Christopher Buzas and Robin Buzas for $452,577; Rice Township.
Nittany Holdings LLC to Jere Franklin for $92,500; Jenkins Township.
Federal National Mortgage Association (per attorney in fact), Fannie Mae (per attorney in fact) and Phelan Hallinan LLP (attorney in fact) to Kenneth J. Krakosky and Alison M. Krakosky for $105,000; Wilkes-Barre.
Laureen Bachkosky to Michelle Egidio-Oko for $125,000; Laflin.
Federal National Mortgage Association (per attorney in fact), Fannie Mae (per attorney in fact) and KML Law Group, P.C. (attorney in fact) to Lawrence E. Lynch Jr. For $92,500; Wilkes-Barre.
Eric J. Spess and Marie Spess to Eric P. Westover for $150,000; Fairmount Township.
Kristen Benyo v. Brian Benyo.
Sharon Zurenda v. Donald Zurenda.
Joseph Mazaika v. Erica Mazaika.
Norma Matute v. Luis Matute.
Christian Marx v. Jennifer Marx.
Lauren Pote v. Daniel Pote.
Jamie Basalyga v. Michael Basalyga.
Jacqueline Kudrako v. Jerome Kudrako.
Nancy Canfield v. Eugene Canfield.
Joseph Fazzino v. Claudia Fazzino.
Rachel Drake v. Kyle Drake.
Karen Force v. Nicholas Force.
Elaine Holtz v. Kenneth Holtz.
Michael Savokinas v. Alice Savokinas.
Michael Talerico v. Janet Talerico.
Nicole Roberts v. Christopher Roberts.
Keith Vrabec v. Joyce Vrabec.
Kevin McAliney v. Diane McAliney.