Charges filed
State police at Towanda said charges were filed Nov. 26, for an unsworn falsification to authorities incident, against Rodney Babcock, 52, of Rome, who completed a firearm transaction form at 2:40 p.m. Sept. 11 at Bell's Gun Shop in Orwell Township and answered "no" to the question relating to a court order restraining order.
Police said he has an active restraining order out of the state of New Jersey, and the sale transaction was denied. He was unable to purchase the firearm.
Rape investigated
State police at Towanda said they are investigating an allegation that a rape occurred at a private residence sometime between 10 p.m. Nov. 25 and midnight in Burlington Township.
Police said the victim was a 29-year-old Towanda woman.
No injuries
State police at Towanda said Christopher J. Mu, 43, of Brady, Mont. was not injured in a one-vehicle crash that occurred at 4 p.m. Nov. 26 on Route 14 in Troy Township.
Police said he was traveling north on Route 14, approximately one mile north of Alba, and lost control of his Dodge Ram 1500 on the snow-covered road. Police said the vehicle hit a ditch on the side of the road, overturned, and came to final rest in the southbound shoulder area of Route 14, facing northwest. Police said the vehicle was towed from the scene by Junior's Towing. Fire police assisted at the scene.
Mu was charged with "driving too fast for conditions," police said.
Argument turns physical
State police at Towanda said Melinda Harkness, 21, and Michael Harkness, 23, both of Rome, were involved in a verbal argument that turned physical at 6 p.m. Dec. 6 on North Orwell Road in Rome Township.
In their report, police listed Melinda Harkness as the accused party and Michael Harkness as the victim.
Charge pending
State police at Towanda said a non-traffic citation for summary criminal trespass is pending against Gerald T. Lazeski Jr., 57, of Elmira, N.Y. through District Court 42-3-01 for an incident that occurred at 9:30 a.m. Dec. 1 on private property on Ayers Road in Wells Township.
Police said Lazeski entered the posted property of Janina Beelitz, 87, of Gillett, without her permission.
No one injured
State police at Towanda said Kevin E. Perry, 55, of Columbia Cross Roads, was not injured in a one-vehicle crash that occurred at 5 p.m. Nov. 26 on Coryland Road in Columbia Township.
Police said he was traveling west, approximately one-half mile west of Route 14, and lost control of his Toyota Tundra on the snow-covered road, hit a ditch, and overturned. After the rollover, the vehicle came to final rest in the eastbound shoulder of Coryland Road, facing southwest.
Police said he was charged with "driving vehicle at safe speeds."
Woman not injured
State police at Mansfield said Andrea M. Kuntz, 23, of Troy, was not injured in a one-vehicle crash that occurred at 3:24 p.m. Dec. 1 on Route 6 in Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pa.
Police said a deer ran out onto the roadway, from a wooded area south of the roadway, and Kuntz's Volkswagen Bug struck the deer and then pulled onto the north berm area, coming to final rest. Upon impact, the deer was knocked off the road and came to rest north of the roadway, police said.