Senior Judge Chester B. Muroski, presiding over Luzerne County Domestic Relations Contempt Court on Tuesday, ordered the following defendants jailed for failure to pay child support:
Dean Delplato, 819 N. Pennsylvania Ave., Wilkes-Barre; 180 days, a total of $50,246 in two cases.
David Carpenter, 96 Hillside St., Wilkes-Barre; 30 days, $356.
Warrants were issued for the following defendants for failure to pay:
Elizabeth Brennan, 735 NW 18th St., Fort Lauderdale, Fla.; $1,120.
Michael Hornick, 239 Taft St., Hanover Township; $2,311.
Brian Coolbaugh, 13 Mount Lookout Trailer Park, Exeter; $2,219.
Sally Zenda, 300 Parkview Circle #810, Wilkes-Barre; a total of $10,804 in two cases.
Anthony Kistner, 874 Franklin St., Wilkes-Barre; $2,291.
Dane Horvath, 175 N. Vine St., Apt. G2, Hazleton; $1,385.
Ryan Warnagiris, 28 E. 1st St., Apt. 1, Larksville; $5,766.
Brian Houston and Jennifer Houston to Douglas C. Krafjack and Eileen M. Krafjack for $119,000; Duryea.
Patricia A. Schillaci to Nicholas Kovaleski for $120,000; West Pittston.
Donna Baut to Julie Strzeletz for $115,000; Dallas Township.
William J. Yenalevitch and Sandra L. Yenalevitch to Bianca Jancewicz for $88,000; Larksville.
J. Hassey Family Trust and Raymond A. Hassey Sr. (trustee) to Stuart E. Klaas for $164,948; Forty Fort.