Marriage licenses
-âMeade Benjamin Beebe and Lisa Marie Layo, both of Scranton.
-âWilliam Arthur Bagg Jr. and Marissa Brooke Battis, both of Scranton.
-âAlan Jon Horrocks, FacÂtoryville, and Samantha Ann Chichura, Scott Twp.
-âMatthew Wayne Hallen and Linda Royaann Bush, both of Dalton.
-âMatthew William John Cohick and Kimberly Christian Priest, both of Jermyn.
-âRichard Adam Bowen and Candice Rose Lewis, both of Scranton.
-âPaula K. Barrett, executrix of the estate of Pauline M. Kearney, also known as Mary Pauline Kearney, to Perry and Margarita Loh, Clarks Summit; a property at 26 Abington GarÂdens, South Abington Twp., for $80,000.
-âSamuel A. Prynda Jr., Cresco; Michele J. Jablonowski, Simpson; and Deborah Bowlby, Archbald, to Margaret S. McAnÂdrew, Simpson; a property at 153 Jefferson St., Fell Twp., for $74,200.
-âPaul T. Schneider and Megan A. Wilski, now by marriage Megan A. Wilski-Schneider, Thornhurst, to Joseph Knorr, Baltimore, Md.; a property in Thornhurst Twp., for $170,000.
-âGeorge F. and Mary C. GalÂlagher, Dunmore, to Thomas J. and Barbara R. Earley, Dunmore; a property at 2226 Madison Ave., Dunmore, for $115,000.
-âGareth and Janet Sorrell, North Abington Twp., to Brian Klimas and Tanya Knight-Klimas, Clarks Summit; a property at Meadowside Lane, North AbingÂton Twp., for $275,000.
-âKriger Development Group Corp., Dickson City, to Damski Builders & Design LLC, ArchÂbald; a property at Skyline Drive, Archbald, for $50,000.
-âRose Caufield, Scranton, v. Jesse Caufield, Hawley; married July 13, 2009, in Milford; pro se.
-âJennifer L. Baker, South Abington Twp., v. Terrance Baker, South Abington Twp.; married Oct. 28, 1995, in Clarks Green; Debra Denison Carter, attorney.
-âRuth A. Kapp, Williamstown, v. Michael J. Kapp, Clarks SumÂmit; married April 10, 2008; Jason A. Shrive, attorney.
State tax lien
-âJonathan C. Miller, 197 Greenfield Road, Scott Twp.; $1,787.39.
federal tax lien
-âDarrell Yarbrough, dba Classic Spray, 231 Prescott Ave., Scranton; $19,989.21.
-âLinda Derhammer, 127 S. Washington St., Taylor, v. Anna Bober, 1114 Rock St., Scranton; seeking in excess of $50,000 for injuries suffered July 20, 2012, when the plaintiff tripped, fell and was thrown to the ground on the defendant's property by reason of a slippery substance on the steps that lead to the front of the residence and/or defective stairway; Bruce S. Zero, attorney.