Wyalusing DUI
Nathan James Murray, 39, of Wyalusing has been charged with driving while under the influence relating to an April 26 incident on State Route 6 in Wyalusing Township.
According to police, Murray was pulled over for failing to maintain travel within a single lane and during the course of the stop showed signs of intoxication.
Police said Murray was placed under arrest for DUI and was transported to the Towanda Memorial Hospital for a blood test.
Charges were filed with the office of Magisterial District Judge Fred Wheaton.
Truck vandalized in Albany Township
Police said a Ford F150 belonging to Jason Wesley Keeney, 40, of New Albany was scratched with a key sometime between the dates of May 8 at 5 p.m. and May 10 at noon at 4262 State Route 220 in Albany Township.
Police said the truck was keyed on the driver and passenger side doors.
Anyone with information is asked to contact state police at Towanda at (570) 265-2186.
Suspected burglary in Windham Township
State police are currently investigating the report of a burglary that occurred at the residence of Samuel Stephen Scarantino, 54, on Cotton Hollow Road in Windham Township between the dates of April 25 and May 9.
Police said an unknown person made an unlawful entry to a premise and caused damage in the process.
Credit card fraud
State police are investigating a report of a stolen credit card, belonging to Kimberly Ann Horne, 49, of Warren Center, which was used to purchase $1,845.50 in merchandise from a store in Las Vegas, Nev.
Police said the incident occurred on April 24.
Rock thrown through truck window in Windham Township
According to police, a rock was thrown through the rear window of a 1999 Dodge Durango owned by Cindy Lou Raymond, 56, of Rome, while the vehicle was parked along the Battle Creek Road in Windham Township on May 1 at 10:55 p.m..
Woman charged with scattering rubbish
Marilyn Mosher, 25, of Wyalusing has been charged by state police with illegally dumping multiple bags of trash along Divine Road in Stevens Township on May 4.
Police said charges were filed with the office of Magisterial District Judge Fred Wheaton.
Man charged after pushing woman
William Edward Bossong Jr., 56, of Wyalusing has been charged with harassment relating to a May 2 incident on Front Street in Wyalusing Township.
According to police, Bossong walked over to Jane Sharon McCann, 57, of Wyalusing, and shoved her.