Lisa Clement vs. Carmen Clement.
Janine Kravitz vs. Anthony Kravitz.
Alexandria Lewis vs. Peter Lestourgeon.
Nannette Hurley-Meckes vs. Kevin Meckes.
Donna Hardiman vs. Dale Hardiman.
Holly Brauns vs. Michael Brauns.
Allison Hunsinger vs. Donald Hunsinger.
Mary Vnuk vs. Brian Vnuk.
Randy Jaffe vs. Debra Jaffe.
Frank Kratz vs. Maria Kratz.
Diane Wallace vs. Dennis Wallace.
Tina Hardik vs. Craig Hardik.
Agnes Sekel, John David Sekel, Robert Keith Sekel and Sandra Dianne Hopple to Brian Charles Emershaw for $77,000; 561 Northampton St., Kingston.
Anthony T. Graham and Robert E. Hagenbaugh to Mark and Helen Realty LLC for $140,000; 394-396 E. Washington St., Nanticoke.
South Main Street Building Inc. to D&D Alleghany LLC for $400,000; 94-96 S. Main St., Wilkes-Barre.
Lindsay Yetter to Lori A. Potorski for $93,900; 638 York Ave., Avoca.
Atlantic Funding LLC to Timothy Athey for $152,000; 532 Huntsville Road, Dallas.