■ Jillian Ann Grudzinski, Scranton, and Nathan Kline, Dickson City.
■ Arnold Alejandro Moesses-Lara and Viviana Amoro Martinez, both of Taylor.
■ Salvatore John Guzzi and Ellen M. Ramik, both of Dunmore.
■ Christine A. Davis, Scranton, to Maria F. Robinson, Laceyville; a property at 724 Orchard St., Scranton, for $26,000.
■ Roger R. Foster, David Reed Foster and Karen Linda Foster, and Michael Bowen, to Brian and Melissa J. Davis, Jefferson Twp.; property in Jefferson Twp. for $45,000.
■ Roger R. Foster, David Reed Foster and Karen Linda Foster, and Michael Bowen, to Kathleen M. Swartz, Jefferson Twp.; property in Jefferson Twp. for $45,000.
■ Joseph Jr. and Kikuko Novak, Archbald, to Edward A. Perechinsky, Mayfield; three parcels in Mayfield for $110,240.
■ Daniel Siniawa to Lackawanna Energy Center LLC; property in Jessup for $1,125,400.
■ Pompey Coal Co. to Lackawanna Energy Center LLC; property in Jessup for $3,814,000.
■ Wemberley Hills Inc., Scott Twp., to TCB Property Solutions LLC, North Abington Twp.; a property at 60 Club House Road, Scott Twp., for $524,000.
■ U.S. Bank National Association, trustee for U.S. ROF III Legal Title Trust, Highlands Ranch, to Milestone Property Management LLC, Greenfield Twp.; a property at 174 Poor Farm Road, Greenfield Twp., for $60,000.
■ Leonard R. Perri, Scranton, to Marcel Nyamsi, Staten Island, N.Y.; at property at Forum Towers Condominium, Scranton, for $78,000.
■ Anthony Pitelli, agent for Rose Pitelli, Dunmore, to David G. and Michelle L. Bistran, Dunmore; two parcels at 501 Smith St., Dunmore, for $180,000.
■ Aidone Management LLC to Lance McHugh, Jefferson Twp.; a property at 160 Fallbrook St., Carbondale, for $25,000.
■ Kathy M. Bossi, now by marriage Kathy M. Ewing, and Wesley J. Ewing, Lackawanna County, to Pyone Myat Mon and Min Naing Oo, Peckville; a property at 3008 Quail Hollow Road, South Abington Twp., for $324,000.
■ Joshua R. Braddell and Sarah K. Yazinski, now by marriage Sarah K. Braddell, to Bryan and Penny A. Fuller; a property at 3714 Wylam Ave., Moosic, for $141,500.
■ James C. and Kimberly A. Weaver, Scranton, to Christina Ann and Joseph P. McGuire III, Scranton; a property at 326 Putnam St., Scranton, for $81,500.
■ Santana Gallardo, Scranton, v. Tina Gallardo, Scranton; married April 12, 2013, in Scranton; Frank J. Santomauro, attorney.
■ Althea M. Hosler, Olyphant, v. Thomas F. Hosler, Olyphant; married Oct. 4, 2014, in Jessup; pro se.
■ Karla Lara Padyett, Taylor, v. Wilson H. Padyett, Scranton; married June 24, 2003, in Los Angeles; pro se.
■ Lauren Tur, Dunmore, v. Joseph Tur, Dunmore; married Sept. 8, 2007, in Dunmore; David J. Ratchford, attorney.
■ William Turner, Scranton, v. Maryann Turner, address unavailable; married March 21, 1994, in Kew Gardens, N.Y.; pro se.
■ Robert J. Burke, Mayfield, v. Kathleen E. Burke, Port Orange, Fla.; married Feb. 13, 1993, in Olyphant; Stephanie L. Tigue, attorney.
■ Paul F. Cilberto v. Trisha G. Cilberto
■ Carol C. Desmarteau v. Joseph E. Desmarteau
■ Tracy Taffera v. Adam Taffera
■ Brittni Andrewsh v. Andrew Andrewsh
■ Sean G. Hogan v. Kimberly M. Hogan
■ Carolyn and Ronald Butler, 22 Madison Estates, Madison Twp., v. Frank Bell, 250 Bowman St., Dickson City, seeking in excess of $50,000, plus interest and costs on two counts, for injuries suffered May 1, 2014, in an automobile accident in the Viewmont Mall parking lot, Dickson City; Susan L. Luckenbill, attorney.