Judge Lesa Gelb, presiding over Luzerne County Domestic Relations Contempt Court on Thursday, ordered the following defendants jailed for failure to pay child support:
Jeremy Boehmer, 1938 Tomhicken Road, P.O. Box 91, Rock Glen, $3,445; 90 days.
Christopher Stanco, 2005 Baker Road, Pittston Township, $5,687; five weekends.
Warrants were issued for the one defendant for failure to pay child support:
Joseph Malstrom, c/o 69 Lewis Road, Hunlock Creek; $4,131.
Anyone with information on those listed is asked to call the Luzerne County Domestic Relations tipline at 570-606-3000.
Lori Bernal v. Salvador Bernal.
Denise A. Rush v. Michael P. Rush.