Judge Tina P. Gartley, presiding over Luzerne County Domestic Relations Contempt Court on Thursday, ordered the following defendants jailed for failure to pay child support:
Damien Smith, 220 E. Willow St., Plymouth, $38,272; six months.
Robert Newman, 269 Church St., Kingston; $2,718; six months.
Christopher Martin, 512 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre; $2,263; 90 days.
Warrants were issued for the following defendants for failure to pay child support:
Mark Brown Jr., 1037 Salem Blvd., Berwick; $1,450.
Jason Brown, 131 E. Water St., Lock Haven; $1,486.
Floyd Wiest Jr., 1300 Whitetail Lane, Dauphin; $5,810.
Saturday Crump, 531 Luzerne St., Freeland; $3,318.
Matthew J. Griesing, 436 E. Walnut St., Hazleton; $618.
Charles Martino,, 311 Rose St., Unit 4, West Hazleton; $550.
Carlos Flores, Apt. 2, 872 Penn Court, Hazleton; $1,544.
Donald George, 36 Moyallen St., Wilkes-Barre; $862.
Anyone with information on those listed is asked to call the Luzerne County Domestic Relations tipline at 570-606-3000.
Michael Dobosh et al. to Robert Orlando et al., $90,280; Exeter.
William F. Gunshannon et al. to Dominick J. Aritz Jr., $82,000; Luzerne.
William R. Hauze et al. to Casandra Creasy et al., $100,000; Freeland.
David P. Hozempa et al. to Elizabeth Rose Janoski et al., $134,000; Dallas.
Melanie M. Cunningham et al. to Yesenia Abad Tavarez, $110,000; North Vine Street, Hazle Township.
Michael H. Baker et al. to Kevin S. Palmeter et al., $240,000; Kingston Township.