Daniel A. Zola et al. to Kyle Pongrazzi, $139,000; Hazle Township.
Patrick A. Mahoney et al. to Sirva Relocation Credit LLC, $138,500; Mill Street, Lehman Township.
Carol A. McGowan to Kevin T. Burke, $122,000; Rice Township.
Sirva Relocation Credit LLC to Adam Shefler, $138,500; Mill Street, Lehman Township.
Walden Estate Inc. to Thomas Daniel Swiech, $259,280; Fairview Township.
J and J Inn Partners et al. to HH R1 Hazleton LLC, $7,276,933; Hazle Township.
Felix Ventura Santos to Sandra Y. Montero Nin, $72,900; Hazleton.
Shannon L. Marchetti et al. to Dean A. Winder, $175,000; Butler Township.
Ann M. Organis et al. to Wilson Ceballos, $138,000; Hazle Township.
M&B Inn Partners et al. to HH FF1 Hazleton LLC, $4,838,369, Sugarloaf Township.
Eagle Rock Resort Company to Renato Jervoso Severino et al., $100,954.20; Hazle Township.
Ryan K. Williamson et al. to John Langkam IV, $155,000; Exeter Township.
Rolland E. Dorward et al. to Brian R. Fiske et al., $189,500; Dallas Township.