Renee Lee Hazlak v. Keith George Hazlak Jr.
Jay Fred Rauscher et al. to Stephen J. Opsitos et al., $115,000; Forty Fort.
Louis D. Zboray et al. to Robert Defeo et al., $185,000; West Hazleton.
John George et al. to Timothy McCormack, $255,000; Sugarloaf Township.
Y. Judd Shoval et al. to Nijmeh Realty LLC, $225,000; Kingston.
Henry E. O’Dell et al. to Ashokkumar K. Patel et al., $164,000; Larksville.
Charle M. Manganiello et al. to Joseph L. Vullo et al., $130,000; Jenkins Township.
Jacqueline Mourelatos et al. to Joseph Furner, $109,000; West Liberty Street, Exeter.
Sand Springs Development Corporation to Michael A. Dutzer, $289,321; Butler Township.