Senior Judge Chestor B. Muroski, presiding Thursday over Luzerne County Domestic Relations Contempt Court, ordered warrants issued for the following defendants who failed to appear in court:
Christopher Herbert, 17 Essex Lane, Wilkes-Barre; $4,435.
Thang Nguyen, two cases, 11 Hazleton St., Ashley; $890.
Jamie Davison Sr., two cases, 429 Carver St., Larksville; $1,463.
Michael J. Merenda, 607 Luceno Blvd., McAdoo; $1,238.
Jeremy Boehmer, 852 Old St., Hazle Township; $4,404.
Mark Reese, 138 Birchwood Hills, Exeter; $991.
Ashley Caruthers, c/o Apt. 2, 546 Hazle St., Wilkes-Barre; $1,513.
James Kelsall, 414 McLean St., Wilkes-Barre; $1,673.
Anyone with information on the defendants listed is asked to call the Luzerne County Domestic Relations tipline at 570-606-3000.