Senior Judge Chester B. Muroski, presiding Thursday over Luzerne County Domestic Relations Contempt Court, ordered the following defendants jailed for failure to pay child support:
Ashley Caruthers, no address listed, $1,863; 90 days.
Mark A. Marso v. Lisa M. Marso.
Dolores A. Laputka et al. to MJJ6711 Trust, $325,000; Country Club Lane, Sugarloaf Township.
Luzerne County Tax Xlaim Bureau et al. to Edward R. Button Jr., $135,000; St. Mary’s Road, Dorrance Township.
Bryan K. Delsite et al. to Leonard M. Branz et al., $145,000; Nescopeck Township.
Gabriel Viera to Jose Luis Medina Grullon, $74,500; Hazleton.
Sandra Johnson et al. to Linda J. Cross et al., $154,500; Kingston Township.
W.H. Conyngham & Company to HAJOCA Corporation, $2,550,000; Wilkes-Barre.
Anthony Banta to William Roszel, $146,000; Kingston Township.
Edward Biniek Sr. et al. to Nicole M. Johnson, $176,000; Bear Creek Township.
John E. Cost et al. to Katie Lynn Martin, $119,000; Wright Township.
Jonathan H. Showe et al. to Christopher J. Roman et al., $169,500; Dallas Township.
Jerome Kane et al. to Melissa M. Warman, Exeter Township.
Terri L. Forenlza to Anna Shandra et al., $142,000; Exeter.
Harry Vogt III et al. to James C. Spagnola, $333,000; Beaupland Road, Bear Creek.