Susan Wysocki et al. to David C. Fultz et al., $125,000; Exeter.
Bonnie Lobach to Wilson Bernard, $186,000; Butler Township.
Barbara M. Ecker et al. to Giol Daliz Diaz et al., $85,000; West Green Street, West Hazleton.
Kenneth Michael Hillman et al. to Joshua D. Elias, $84,500; Lehman Township.
St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church to Bryan P. Boote, $132,900; Wilkes-Barre.
Franklin M. Soto to Omar Tejeda et al., $73,000; Hazleton.
Gregory G. Ptros to 100 Parkway Boulevard LLC, $1,234,567; Kingston.
Thomas M. Vercusky to Marlene E. Williams, $77,000; Hazleton.
Mark Bertocci et al. to West Wyoming Hose Company No. 1 of the Borough of West Wyoming, $105,000; West Wyoming.