Senior Judge Chester B. Muroski, presiding Tuesday over Luzerne County Domestic Relations Contempt Court, ordered one defendant jailed for failure to pay child support:
John Johnson, no address listed, $2,701; 60 days.
Warrants were issued for the following defendants:
Jose L. Robles, 221 Wyoming Ave., West Pittston; $28,107.
Eric Dotzel, 206 Johnson St., Wilkes-Barre Township; $4,657.
Corey Burke, 226 Honey Pot St., Nanticoke; $2,092.
Rodney J. Samsone Jr., 249 Reservoir Road, Dallas; $2,838.
Richard Sypniewski Jr., 209 Orchard St., Plymouth; $2,782.
Christopher Griffiths, 44 Nesbitt St., Larksville; $3,324.
William Lewis, 3781 Chase Road, Apt. 3, Shavertown; $1,401.
Brett Cooley, 34 Maple St., Dallas; $6,277.
Richard Swiatek, 60 Spruce St., Wilkes-Barre; $300.
Charles Eichorn et al. to E & M 10S Properties LLC, $76,000; Wilkes-Barre.
Deborah L. Zeiler to Kreisl Real Estate Inc., $174,900; West Hazleton.
Brian R. Abraham et al. to Daryl S. Ell zy et al., $168,900; Salem Township.
Paul J. Drake et al. to Jesse Thomas Neary, $87,500; Hanover Township.
Deutsche Bank National Trust Company et al. to Paul D. DeAngelo et al., $159,139; Saint Charles Drive, Hazleton.
Bernard S. O’Donnell et al. to Michael J. Potsko, $115,000; Steele Street, Hanover Township.
William J. Smith III et al. to Kaylen A. Gavin, $148,000; Forty fort.
Ivan Kozub et al. to Hanh Huu Nguyen et al., $84,000; Wilkes-Barre.
Paul Sabol v. Melissa Sabol.