Senior Judge Chester B. Muroski, presiding Tuesday over Luzerne County Domestic Relations Contempt Court, ordered the following defendants jailed for failure to pay child support:
n Scot Colacci Jr., 62 Riverview Manor, Pittston, $1,180; 60 days.
Warrants were issued for the following defendants:
n Freddy L. Borquez, 512 N. Broad St., West Hazleton; $1,006.
n Luis Matute, 228 Allen St., West Hazleton; $1,877.
n Cody Dyanick, 225 S. Main St., Hanover Twp., $646; in two cases.
n William Conway, c/o 49 W. Railroad St., Nanticoke; $1,200.
n Amanda Barton, 487 S. Grant St., Apt. C, Wilkes-Barre; $3,568.
n Angelo Manganello Jr., 63 Oregon St., Wilkes-Barre; $1,424.
n Brandon Shulskie, 243 E. South St., Nanticoke; $2,786.
n Stanley B. Szafran III, 38 E. Ridge St., Unit B, Nanticoke, no amount listed.
Anyone with information on the defendants listed is asked to call the Luzerne County Domestic Relations tipline at 570-606-3000.
n Rajendra Pawar et al. to Robert Kotansky, $130,500; Butler Twp.
n Mark A. Misser et al. to Leah Fuller, $170,000; West Wyoming.
n n Jacqueline Callahan et al. to Beth Ann Noble et al., $162,500; Hunlock Twp.
n Alexander Trosko et al. to Gary J. Knauer Jr., $125,000; Swoyersville.
n Shell & Aria Realty LLC to NHB Properties LLC, $200,000; Wilkes-Barre.
n Luzerne County Sheriff et al. to R&A LLC, $96,521;, Bear Run Drive, Butler Twp.
n Frank G. Beishline et al. to Conyngham Twp., $84,700; Conyngham Twp.
n Lynda J. Reimiller et al. to Michael Eugene Melton Sr. et al., $110,000; Shingle Mill Drive, Butler Twp.
n Joseph M. Billy Jr. et al. to Conyngham Twp., $72,000; Conyngham Twp.
n Jonathan Tavarez, Wilkes-Barre; v. Haleigh Bonczwski, Harding.