Senior Judge Chester B. Muroski, presiding Wednesday over Luzerne County Domestic Relations Contempt Court, ordered the following defendants jailed for failure to pay child support:
• David Skrip Jr., c/o 1287 Scott St., Wilkes-Barre; $7,081, lodged, days not listed.
Warrants were issued for the following defendants:
• Dennis Green Jr., 549 S. Franklin St., Wilkes-Barre, $4,815; in two cases.
• Daniel Kelley, 44 Maxwell St., Wilkes-Barre, $938; in two cases.
• John Seltzer, PO Box 1041, Berwick; $14,406.
• Shawn Rubin Sr., 91 Shaver Ave., Shavertown; $489.
•Joshua Backes, 141 Wood St., Shavertown; $5,849.
• Nicholas Space, 20 Laflin Road, Pittston; $1,846.
• Najeeb Bilal, 73 Puritan Lane, Wilkes-Barre; $14,516.
• Stanley Alexandre, 724 W. First St., Hazleton; $9,644.
Anyone with information on the defendants listed is asked to call the Luzerne County Domestic Relations tipline at 570-606-3000.
• Mary Jean L. Tomovick to Eagle Rock Resort Company, $164,000; Black Creek Twp.
• Eagle Rock Resort Company to Jose Alberto Q. Duller et al., $76,748.99; Hazle Twp.
• Judith A. Dinofrio to Richard M. Lorince et al., $177,000; Butler Twp.
• Patricia A. DeJoseph et al. to SZM LLC, $86,500; Butler Twp.
• Francis J. Pradzia to James Macklin, $142,500; Wilkes-Barre.
• John A. McCutcheon to Richard Louis Kinney, $111,000; Wilkes-Barre.
• Andrew Hudak to Gerald J. Turner Jr. et al., $100,000; Exeter.
• Paul R. Adamchick, Shavertown; v. Charlene R. Adamchick, Trucksville.