■ Krista Lynn Purvis and Lisa Ann Ross, both of Carbondale.
■ Jose Enrique Ferrao-Santiago and Yannires Margarita Contreras-De Ramirez, both of Scranton.
■ Theodore Jan Golec, Scranton, and Vicki Lynn Padula, Dickson City.
■ Mary Colleen Canovas and Kathryn M. Foley, co-executrices of the estate of James Brian Foley, also known as J. Brian Foley, Brian J. Foley and Brian Foley, Scranton, to GJK Group LLC, Long Island City, N.Y.; a property at Marion St., Scranton, for $175,000.
■ Joseph J. and Patricia T. Siemion, Scranton, to Diane Higdon, Edison, N.J.; a property at 516-518 N. Rebecca Ave., Scranton, for $49,820.
■ Cloverleaf Developers LLC, Archbald, to Curtis David Haley, Greenfield Twp.; a property at 109 Forest Drive, Archbald, for $257,215.
■ Devin Therese H. Trego, Fayetteville, N.C., to GJSB Realty LLC, Dunmore; a property on Beech Street, Scranton, for $45,000.
■ Diane L. Cardamone, Dunmore, to Michael L. and Mary Ellen Barrett, Scranton; a property at 511 Thomas Drive, Dunmore, for $237,000.
■ Kenneth and Linda Powell, Scott Twp., to Ann Murnock and JoAnn Pane, Jeffferson Twp., as joint tenants with rights of survivorship; a property at 548 Foxtail Circle, Archbald, for $217,125.
■ SPQR Holdings LLC, Dunmore, to Caroline Bregman, Harold Bregman and Kyung I. Hong, Melrose, Mass.; a property at 931 Clay Ave., Scranton, for $140,000.
■ Ellen S. and Sean Finn, Scranton, to Brandon J. Nicholson and Renae Keiper, Taylor; a property at 804 Dale Drive, Scranton, for $144,160.
■ Thomas C. and Jennifer L. Ciccotti, Dunmore, to Frances Igoe, Dunmore; a property at 1702 Delaware St., Dunmore, for $205,000.
■ Thomas and Valerie Morris, Lackawaxen, to Carolyn P. Schoettler, Stewartstown; a property in Thornhurst Twp. for $60,000.
■ Michael B. and Marylouise G. Grogan, Scranton, to Victor Guerrero, Woodside, N.Y.; a property at 302 Oak St., Scranton, for $35,000.
■ Cathy Lynn Davies, executrix of the estate of Joan Davies, also known as Joan E. Davies, Lackawanna County, to Antonella Desimone Hlavac, Clarks Green; a property at 106 Yale Blvd., Clarks Green, for $85,000.
■ Jean M. and James Puleo, Darnestown, Md., to Christine Houser, Scranton; a property at 2020 Farr St., Scranton, for $89,000.
■ James M. Paul III, Scott Twp., v. Jodi V. Paul, Peckville; married Dec. 8, 1984, in Clatsop County, Ore.; Holli Kathleen Bott, attorney.
■ Jean Oressey, 1030 Cooper Ave., Scranton, letters testamentary to Dennis Oressey, 2117 Dorothy St., Scranton, and Gail Stanis, 143 Jason Drive, Plains Twp.
■ Eleanor G. Semanski, 308 Church St., Taylor, letters testamentary to Donna Thompson, 142 Delta View Drive, White Stone, Va.