Senior Judge Chester B. Muroski, presiding Tuesday over Luzerne County Domestic Relations Contempt Court, issued warrants for the following defendants:
Michael Kline, 240 Maple Tree Road, Dallas; $7,694, in two cases.
Dave Hoshin, 224 Stanton St., West Pittston; $1,807.
Richard Raynor, 119 Cemetery St., Hughestown; $21,713, in two cases.
Robert Nulton III, 105 Lyndwood Ave., Hanover Twp., $14,639, in two cases.
Thomas W. O’Brien Jr., c/o 527 state Route 115, Blakeslee; $1,000.
Robert Cool Jr., 240 Adams Ave., Scranton; $3,834.
Brian Schoonover, 58 Creamery Road, Apt. B, Tunkhannock; $1,712.
Eric Creveling, c/o 1623 Salem Blvd., Berwick; $1,108.
Scott Bonar, 1016 E. Main St., Nanticoke; $889.
Sir Hayes, 431 Route West Green St., West Hazleton; $2,126, in two cases.
John T. Britton, 117 Park St., Nanticoke; $1,015.
Thomas Ladamus, Apt. 101, 48 Carr Ave., Dallas; $2748.
Heather Sartell, Apt. 3, 235 W. Main St., Plymouth; $848.
Alexander Nestorick III, 246 E. Noble St., Nanticoke; $2,009.
James P. Wilson, 32 Courtright St., Wilkes-Barre; $3,818.
Anyone with information on the defendants is asked to call the Luzerne County Domestic Relations tipline at 570-606-3000.
Ralph J. Quadrini et al. to Craigs Properties LLC, $154,000; Larksville.
David A. Breinich Jr. to Real Estate Magnate LLC, $70,000; Nanticoke.
Ellin K. Pahl to Roy Kenneth Stackhouse III, $75,000; West Pittston.
Jonathan Vanness to Theodore Michaliga, $145,000; Swoyersville.
Kelly L. Bosserman to Suzanne Herron, $190,000; Butler Twp.
Robert Cook to Robert Falls et al., $85,000; Haveys Lake.
Michael Costa et al. to Lewis J. Thrash, $127,600; Harveys Lake.
William Cave et al. to Danny Ho et al., $232,500; Dallas.
Susan C. Boris to Paul Lumia et al., $110,000; Jackson Twp.
Brandon Caruso to Daniel Roper, $146,000; Kingston.
Viking Enterprises LLC to Spartan Renovations LLC, $70,000; Forty Fort.
Jeff Robert White et al. to Anthony J. Shipula et al., $247,000; Jackson Twp.
Three Mountain Holdings LP et al. to Kathleen DeFrank, $134,600; Butler Twp.
n Richard T. Antolick to Daniel Harvey, $116,000; Hazleton.