n Eagle Rock Resort Company to Pooja Daini, $170,334.90; Hazle Twp.
n Comfy-Cozy Homes LLC to Mary Elise Kune et al., $105,000; John Street, Pittston.
n Evelyn M. Snipas et al. to Patricia Urena, $130,000; Wilkes-Barre Twp.
n David P. Jones to Vantage Point Security LLC, $106,500; Duryea.
n Michael D. Platt et al. to National Transfer Services LLC, $289,900; Pine Tree Road, Fairview Twp.
n Mario Adajar et al. to William W. Smith et al., $155,000; Plains Twp.
n Maureen P. Touey Thede et al. to Blake Mackesy, $196,100; Kingston.
n Devin M. Olshefski et al. to Brian Turner et al., $130,000; Wilkes-Barre.
n Robert Carr to John C. Hiller et al., $97,850; Kingston.
n Matthew P. Griffin et al. to Sunil Mukul et al., $363,750; Sherwood Road, Dallas Twp.
n Kathleen Shire to Thomas G. Lombardo et al., $95,000; Sugarloaf Twp.
n Teresa Wasik to Radhame A. DeLarose, $115,000; Hazle Twp.
n Carol M. Frederick et al. to Barbara Cassise, $190,000; Sugarloaf Twp.
n Sunil Mukul et al. to Glen M. Tellis et al., $168,000; Dallas.
n Luchi Real Estate LLC to Luz Padilla-Niemann et al., $292,000; Butler Twp.
n Leonard Paisley et al. to David L. Shema, $179,000; Hazle Twp.
n Evan Yost et al. to Michael J. Scatton et al., $214,900; Butler Twp.
n Michael J. Scatton et al. to Kenny Traub, $130,000; West Hazleton.
n James C. Packham et al. to Benjamin J. McEntee et al., $180,500; Crestwood Drive, Wright Twp.
n Kathleen Daskalakes to Matthew J. Tarr et al., $230,000; Lake Twp.
n Delbert J. McDermott et al. to Kevin J. Baranowski et al., $103,000; Wilkes-Barre.
n Donald R. Lloyd et al. to William Shelley et al., $295,000; West Pittston.
n Rosemarie Gerstein to Frederick J. Solano et al., $152,500; Wyoming.
n Robert Stambaugh Jr. et al. to Patrick P. Gallagher et al., $188,000; Lehman Twp.
n George J. Uhlir to Zachary Fox, $98,000; Foster Twp.
n Michael Cicioni et al. to Matthew Gurski et al., $155,000; Hazle Twp.
n Walter Skawski et al. to Christopher McBride et al., $315,000; Sugarloaf Twp.
n Daniel D. Corradini et al. to Joseph Semanchik, $197,992; Butler Twp.
n Ray Edward Larish III to Catherine A. Gerhard, $86,000; Salem Twp.
n Samantha Zambotti to Scott Huston et al., $227,500; Sugarloaf Twp.
n Walter W. Cawley et al. to Moises Espinal et al., $120,000; Wilkes-Barre.
n Ramon Lopez to Alberto Nunez Nunez et al., $100,000; Hazleton.
n John Young et al. to Joey’s Landcare LLC, $110,000; Dallas Twp.
n Robert Croucher to Andrew D. Labar et al., $111,340; Mason Street, Exeter.
n Samuel W. Groome, Berwick; v. Tammy L. Groome, Berwick.
n Ullo Miguel Tineo, Hazleton; v. Rosario Pichardo de Tineo, Hazleton.