• Stephen R. Chapman to William D. Nelson IV; a property at 321 Scott Road, South Abington Twp., for $176,865.
• Kenneth S. Dunphey, executor of the estate of Nancy B. Dunphey, to Looxahoma LLC, New Albany, Miss.; a property in Dalton for $55,000.
• Vitaly Izgur and Natallia Mukhina, Waverly Twp., to Jeffrey Belardi, Jessup; two parcels in Waverly Twp. for $495,500.
• Scott K. and Jill N. Stahl, Clarks Summit, to Lori Ann Earl, Clarks Summit; two parcels at 103 Electric St., Clarks Summit, for $137,000.
• Robert Patrick and Michelle Estrada Boyle, Benton Twp., to David Clark, Cardiff, Calif.; a property at 1632 Madison Ave., Dunmore, for $210,000.
• John P. and Jean Baglino, Clarks Summit, to Kristen K. Harding, Clarks Summit; a property at 225 Midway Ave., Clarks Summit, for $140,550.
• Josephine M. Yarish, trustee for Yarish Family Trust, Scott Twp., to Joseph Rivera, Scott Twp.; two parcels in Scott Twp. for $160,000.
• Peter C. and Deborah K. Olden, South Abington Twp., to John Anthony and Lacey Barbara Heptig, South Abington Twp.; a property at 824 Laconia Circle, South Abington Twp., for $275,000.
• John A. Copley and Charles J. Copley to Ryan McCarthy; a property at 218 Grayson Drive, Clarks Green, for $164,948.
• Paul Crossin, Clarks Summit, Cathleen and Todd Barbee, Shingle Springs, Calif., to Joseph Bratsztein; a property at 1301 Dorothy St., Scranton, for $95,000.
• Stephanie Knight to BGRS Relocation Inc.; two parcels at 118 Gentilly Drive, Clarks Summit, for $242,700.
• Timothy J. Radzelovage and Paula J. Yunko, West Abington Twp., to Paul E. Albert, Scranton; a property at 315 Vine St., Old Forge, for $74,200.
• Samuel B. Healy and Lori L. Healy, trustees of the S.B. Healy Revocable Trust, Phoenix, Ariz., Brett Hollister Healy, Dalton, and George Christopher and Jennifer Bertz Healy, Vienna, Va., to Keith S. Gress, Waverly Twp.; a property at 316 Carbondale Road, Waverly Twp., for $125,000.
• Tyler Christopher Lee to Franconia Real Estate Services Inc.; a property at 7 Briar Hill Circle, South Abington Twp., for $337,500.
• Franconia Real Estate Services Inc. to David T. and Elizabeth M. Morris; a property at 7 Briar Hill Circle, South Abington Twp., for $337,500.
• Michael J. and Rosemary C. Lardner to Kenneth P. Klass; a property at Lake Sheridan, Benton Twp., for $225,000.
• Boston Land Co., South Abington Twp., to Wendy D. Parker, Old Forge; a property at 62 Wyndham Road, South Abington Twp., for $345,000.
• Leo and Patricia Turissini, Jermyn, to JMC Real Estate LLC, Scott Twp.; two parcels in Scott Twp. for $100,000.
• Julia Elizabeth Smith and Ryan Morgan Devereaux, both of Clarks Summit.
• Michael Buchalski and Dannielle Marie Weiler, both of Clarks Summit.
• Mia Theresa Robb and Arthur John Catino III, both of South Abington Twp.
• Chelsea Richelle Buck and Matthew Christopher Toolan, both of Dalton.
• Gregory P. Moran, 325 Scott Road, South Abington Twp.; $5,608.75.
• Paul S. and Joelyn Lockett, 1165 Audubon Drive, South Abington Twp.; $1,102.08.
• Miller’s Country Store LLC, 1148 Old Trail Road, Clarks Summit; $6,952.52.
• John J. DelVecchio, 1733 Pine St., Scranton, letters testamentary to Lenore A. DelVecchio, same address, Milena E. DelVecchio, 41 Garden St., Apt. 3, Boston, and Leonard DelVecchio, 116 Edgewood Drive W., South Abington Twp.
• Lucille D. O’Boyle, 112 Grandview St., Clarks Summit, letters testamentary to Christopher F. O’Boyle, 201 Grandview St., Clarks Summit, and Eileen O. Bell, 10 Woodridge Circle, Clarks Summit.