-âWayne Franklin Halstead Jr. and Brittany Eileen Henning, both of Carbondale.
-âPaul Oscar Sickler and Lisa Anne Jones, both of Clarks Summit.
-âMichael Paul Mecca and Rebecca Ann Brown, both of Taylor.
-âPaul Joseph McHale and Mary Rose Nickol, both of Scranton.
-âRobert Harold Franklin and Emily Lynn Bauer, both of Scranton.
-âSantee Dakota Black and Charlene Mae Lisandrelli, both of Scranton.
-âNew Venture Realty Inc., Archbald, to Roseanne Frenchko, Jermyn; a property in Archbald for $224,500.
-âCynthia Page, now by marriage Cynthia Roe, and Donald C. Roe, Clarks Summit, to Carey R. and Katrina Newman, Clarks Summit; two parcels in Clarks Summit for $153,000.
-âGanesh LLC, Simpson, to Aaron Craparo, Richmondale; a property at 525 Main St., Fell Twp., for $65,000.
-âAlfred Baldoni and Sarah Auvergne, co-trustees of Uguccioni Trust, to Mark Zavislak and Amanda V. Roche, Lackawanna County, as joint tenants with rights of survivorship; a property in Archbald for $159,000.
-âDavid M. and Pamela Burt, Kingsley, to Alan and Julina Arthur, South Abington Twp.; a property in South Abington Twp. for $37,371.93.
-âJune Tamke and Lynn Affuso, both of Guttenberg, N.J., co-executors of the estate of Joseph R. Piechota Jr., to Joellen Cerra, Scranton; a property at 802 Dale Ave., Scranton, for $152,000.
-âGary DiBileo, executor of the estate of Angelo A. DiBileo, Scranton, to Robert and Elsa McDonnell, Scranton, Marie Kodish, Nicholson, Elizabeth Scanlon and Christine DiBileo, both of Scranton; a property at 17 Forest Glen Drive, Scranton, for $167,000.
-âCraig P. and Kay E. Muhlbaier, Pilesgrove, N.J., to Milton James, Lake Ariel, and Christopher James, Jefferson Twp.; a property in Benton Twp. for $140,000.
-âSuntrust Mortgage Inc., Richmond, Va., to William J. and Charlene Brothers, Carbondale; a property at 205 Fifth St., Mayfield, for $27,010.
-âMarilyn Bethel, executrix of the estate of Deborah Lydon, Clarks Summit, to Christopher Cieszkowski, Carbondale; a property at 68 Park St., Carbondale, for $45,000.
-âFrank C. Paar, individually and as agent for Jennifer J. Guidi, Fort Myers, Fla., to Erick T. Broxmeier and Kerryn Arnold; a property at 621 Milwaukee Ave., Old Forge, for $103,051.
-âKeyser Terrace Inc., Scranton, to Donald J. Lee Jr., Scranton; a property in Scranton for $35,000.
-âPatricia L. Pregman, executrix of the estate of Gladys Russin, to Mark S. and Tiffany N. Ciocca; a property at 626 Maple St., Old Forge, for $158,000.
-âHarry and Kathleen M. Zinskie to Bernard Jr. and Renee O'Malley; a property at School Side Estates, Throop, for $317,000.
-âPhelan Hallinan & Schmieg LLC, now known as Phelan Hallinan LLC, attorney-in-fact for Fannie Mae, also known as Federal National Mortgage Association, to Kevin Koester; a property at 717 Throop St., Dunmore, for $68,475.
-âJohn P. Barbini, Scranton, to Joan A. Dhrigpaul, Hollis, N.Y.; a property at 1631 S. Webster Ave., Scranton, for $45,000.
-âMAM Acres L.P., Clarks Summit, to Louis and Dianne Costanzo, Clarks Green; a property in Glenburn Twp. for $95,000.
-âThomas Moffitt, Carbondale, to Darius Delacruz and Violet Sicilia, Scranton; a property at 80-82 Spring St., Carbondale, for $68,300.
-âRobert Magnotta, Scranton, to Philip J. Kolatis Jr., Old Forge; a property at Rear 839 Prescott Ave., Scranton, for $55,000.
-âSettima and Joseph R. Norkaitis, Clarks Summit, to John and Margaret Derr, Taylor; a property at 1812 Swetland St., Scranton, for $56,000.
-âScott and Barbara H. Outman, Archbald, to John and Tina Binner, Olyphant; a property at 110 Moon Road, Jermyn, for $165,000.
-âGerard and Robin Nichols, Clarks Summit, to Linda Kingdom, Scranton; a property at 1418 Luzerne St., Scranton, for $138,500.
-âSandra Ruth Steiner Sykes, Dunmore, v. Jack Taylor Sykes Jr., Franklin, Va.; married June 21, 2004, in Courtland, Va.; pro se.
-âBrian Mills, 135 E. Elm St., Dunmore, v. Gubbio's Restaurant, 411 Chestnut St., Dunmore; seeking in excess of the jurisdictional limit regarding arbitration referral by local rule, plus interest and costs, for injuries suffered Jan. 8 in a fall on the defendant's premises; Edwin A. Abrahamsen, attorney.
-âCarol Visbisky, also known as Carol Boris, Carol Boris-Visbisky and Carolyn A. Visbisky, 650 Laurel St., Dickson City, letters testamentary to Gail Kuchwara, 416 Harrison Ave., Scranton, David Visbisky, 836 Lincoln St., Dickson City, Lynda Rojek, 35 Andrew Drive, Scott Twp., and Alaina Deitz, 409 Fourth St., Dunmore.
-âPauline Rossi, 734 Pleasant Ave., Blakely, letters of administration to Robert R. Rossi, 1112 W. Locust St., Scranton.