Wayne County Court notes appear weekly in The Times-Tribune.
- Donald Gustin, also known as Donald I. Gustin and Donald I Gustin Jr., Honesdale, letters testamentary to David A. Gustin, 14 Laabs Road, Hawley.
- Michael R. Keough, also known as Michael Raymond Keough, Honesdale, letters testamentary to Agnes Gertrude Keough, 100 Elizabeth Ave., Honesdale.
- Lois M. Roth, Paupack Twp., letters testamentary to Jeffrey Bachman, 29 Paupack Point Road, Hawley.
- Nancy E. Petrous, Clinton Twp., letters testamentary to Connie A. Beneduce, also known as Connie A. Carucci, 3 Mulford Drive, Wayne, N.J.
- Lester A. Odell, Texas Twp., letters testamentary to Roger L. Odell, 40 Locust St., Honesdale.
- Charles T. Richardson Jr., Hawley, letters of administratrion to Rachel Richardson, 110 Columbus Ave., Hawley.
- Roland Winterle, Paupack Twp., letters testamentary to Monika Chapman, 2148 Gamble Road, Scotch Plains, N.J.
- William Jr. and Julia Roudi to Thomas James Jurewicz; a property in Lehigh Twp. for $325,000.
- Harry S. Forrest to Jack I. Jr. and Kathleen A. Kunze; a property in Lehigh Twp. for $85,000.
- Ali Asghar and Farahnaz Houshmand to Ilya, Irene, Anne Marie and Gregory Joseph Boguslavsky; a property in Lehigh Twp. for $180,000.
- William V. Sisti, William A. and Margaret V. Barrett to Eric Anthony Kuester; a property in Lehigh Twp. for $85,000.
- Raymond Tierney, executor of the estate of Joseph C. Tierney, to Robert W. Jr. and Sandra Dee Carey; a property in Lehigh Twp. for $80,000.
- Carol E. Padwa to David F. and Janette Young Bianco; a property in Mount Pleasant Twp. for $35,000.
- Kenneth Nemeth, executor of the estate of Vilma Kirchgessner, to Blue Slate Farm; a property in Mount Pleasant Twp. for $435,000.
- John W. and Catherine N. Lewis to David M. and Macy L. Compton; a property in Mount Pleasant Twp. for $390,000.
- Ruth O'Neill, also known as Ruth V. O'Neill, to Richard and Mary Jean Sheldon; a property in Mount Pleasant Twp. for $180,000.
- Wayne Bank to Casey Christianson and Jeffrey Mead; a property in Mount Pleasant Twp. for $35,000.
- Paul E. McGraw to Luke J. Harrie and Roseanna Acker; a property in Mount Pleasant Twp. for $222,000.
- Gerald A., Jacqueline and Bonnie Miller to Christopher G. Pollick; a property in Mount Pleasant Twp. for $245,000.
- Thomas B., John W. III and Allene S. Lyons, Harold A. and Kathleen L. DeHaven, to Norman A. and Kimberly Cook; a property in Paupack Twp. for $575,000.
- Alexander M. and Carol Krych to Margaret Fudal; a property in Paupack Twp. for $115,000.
- Walter H. and Judith A. Horst to Gerard Barnes; a property in Paupack Twp. for $207,500.
- Joseph Byers, agent for George Byers, also known as George W. Byers, to Samuel and Jill Alecci; a property in Paupack Twp. for $475,000.