- Jeffrey Russell, 1601 Applewood Acres, South Abington Twp., letters of administration to David Russell, 1510 Bainbridge St., Philadelphia.
- Joseph J. Hazzouri, 426 Stafford Ave., Scranton, letters testamentary to Michele Hazzouri, same address.
- Donald F. Strubeck, 1613 Main Ave., Dickson City, letters testamentary to Annette Blasi-Strubeck, same address.
- Anthony Michael Lizza, 210 S. Main St., Old Forge, letters of administration to Amber McKenna, 85 Austin Ave., Wilkes-Barre.
- Constance Guerrise, 2129 Dorothy St., Scranton, letters testamentary to William and Clara Bechtel, 27 Laurel Drive, Scott Twp.
- Daniel A. Cristiano, 104 Tamara Drive, Old Forge, letters of administration to Mary A. Cristiano, same address.
- Harold W. McDonald, 316 Hudson St., Mayfield, letters of administration to Tina R. Vittone, 717 N. Valley Ave., Olyphant.
- Leo Kreglewicz, 311 Pear St., Scranton, letters of administration to Charles Kreglewicz, 419 Arthur Ave., Scranton.
Property transactions
- Paul J. and Eileen M. Miller, Scranton, to Thomas J. and Stephanie A. McDonald, Scranton; a property at 1407 Fig St., Scranton, for $256,000.
- Buy Fair Realty LLC, Scranton, to Sean Mancuso, Dunmore; a property at Rear 617 Warren St., Dunmore, for $85,000.
- John J. and Amy Stafursky, Dalton, to Taylor and Jamie Wride, Dalton; a property at 602 Bank St., Dalton, for $135,000.
- Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. to Elaine Zaharopoulos; a property at 2802-2804 N. Main Ave., Scranton, for $26,000.
- Shaun Donovan, secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Washington D.C., to Eric and Stacy Clum, Scott Twp.; a property at 138 Burcher St., South Abington Twp., for $60,000.
- S&R Real Estate Holdings LLC, Archbald, to Pamela DiGregorio, Archbald; a property at Rear Main and Delaware streets, for $189,500.
- Timothy P. Timmons, Dunmore, v. Cynthia S. Thomas, Gouldsboro; married Dec. 21, 2012; Ernest D. Preate Jr., attorney.
- Joyce Rizzo, Scranton, v. Charles Rizzo, Scranton; married April 13, 1985; Frank J. Ruggiero, attorney.
- Charito Go, Abington Twp., v. John J. Wiesel Jr., Abington Twp.; married April 27, 2002; Marjorie DeSanto Barlow, attorney.
- Scott Bianchi, Eynon, v. Nicole Bianchi, Eynon; married July 7, 2001; Dawn M. Riccardo, attorney.
The following warrants have been issued by visiting Judge Richard Saxton for failure to appear for child support contempt hearings:
- Kevin E. Garey, 104 Edward Lane, Monroe Twp.; $22,135.07.
- Edward L. Henehan, c/o Valley View Estates, Lot 46, Jermyn; $3,984.52.
- John J. Jenisky Sr., 1419 Gardner Ave., Scranton; $8,504.49.
- Todd Tucker, 315 Echo Valley Drive, Shavertown; $1,588.57.
- Jonathan Waiters, 814R Pittston Ave., Scranton; $4,377.02.
- Brian Wertman, 37 Royal Marcho Road, Clifford Twp.; $3,060.88.
- Michael Young, 317 S. Ninth Ave., Scranton; $353.85.
- Christina Zaccagni, 290 Parkview Court, Wilkes-Barre; $758.20.
Anyone with any information on the above is asked to call the child support hotline at 570-963-6721, ext. 8160.