-âDavid Eugene Okane and Tina Louise Springer, both of Edwardsville.
-âDorjee Lama and Bimala Gurung, both of Scranton.
-âMichael Joseph Roberts, Duryea, and Bridget Cavanaugh Payami, Waverly.
-âJeffrey Allen Tanner and Jennfier J. Paszek, both of Moosic.
-âHonesdale National Bank to Suzette Grzywacz, Scott Twp.; a property at 159 Electric St., Blakely, for $32,000.
-âNew Venture Realty Inc., Archbald, to Jack Mattessich, Cliffside Park, N.J., and Mary T. Camoni, Jessup; a property at Pierce Street and Beverly Drive, Archbald, for $222,500.
-âCatherine A. Rivenburgh, Mayfield, to Robert and Katherine Felker, Scott Twp.; a property at Schoolside Drive, Scott Twp., for $221,650.
-âTami E. and Fred R. Brudzinski, Bear Creek Twp., to David M. Pecca, Throop; a property at 417 Oak St., Scranton, for $50,000.
-âU.S. Bank National Association by its attorney in fact, Wells Fargo Bank N.A., Frederick Md., to Chad M. Johnson, Jermyn; a property at 38 Stone Lane, Scott Twp., for $162,000.
-âRonald Jarocha, South Abington Twp., v. Nicole V. Jarocha, South Abington Twp.; married Aug. 21, 1993, in Dunmore; Robert S. Betnar, attorney.
-âTricia Cipriano, Dickson City, v. John Guard, Scranton; married Aug. 21, 2008, in Scranton; pro se.
-âNicholas Granville, Carbondale, v. Kathryn Granville, Carbondale; married Dec. 26, 2009, in Montdale; Barbara O'Hara, attorney.
-âCandace Burcheri, Scott Twp., v. Salvatore P. Burcheri, Clarks Summit; married Aug. 19, 2005, in Jermyn; Barbara O'Hara, attorney.
-âPeggy Williams, Moosic, v. Shawn Williams, Dickson City; married May 26, 2009, in Moscow; pro se.
-âWilliam F. Gaughan Jr., 1301½ Watson St., Scranton, letters testamentary to Barbara Gaughan, same address.
-âLeo M. Kozlowski, 1043 Carmalt St., Dickson City, letters testamentary to Christine M. Guilford, 212 Whitetail Lane, Clarks Summit.
-âDavid Slack, 604 Ruth Ave., Scranton, v. Michael Mancini, 715 River St., Scranton, seeking in excess of $50,000 on one count, for injuries suffered in an automobile crash, due to negligence of the defendant; Tullio DeLuca, attorney.
-âGilbert Zimmitt, 1621 Capouse Ave., Scranton, v. Red Top Auto Sales Inc., 905 Wyoming Ave., Scranton, seeking compensatory damages in an amount in excess of that amount requiring compulsory arbitration thereof on one count, for injuries suffered in a slip and fall on Dec. 28, 2012, at 905 Wyoming Ave., Scranton, due to negligence of the defendant; Eugene D. Sperazza, attorney.