Wyoming County Court Notes appear weekly in The Times-Tribune
Real estate
-âCindy Houser, Cindy Houser Adams and Richard F. Adams to Christopher D. and Monica M. Roberts, a property in Tunkhannock Twp. for $185,000.
-âDorothy E, Acornley to Joseph P. Humanik, a property in Braintrim Twp. for $2,000.
-âClaudia R. Coronel to Exeter Twp., property in the township for $15,000.
-âEdward J. Dymond to Edward J. Dymond and Debra S. Sands, a property in Tunkhannock Twp. for $31,305.50
-âBenjamin J. and Jennifer K. Wilhite, to Jill and Joseph Dantoni, property in Factoryville for $180,000.
-âCarol Pagano to Falls Twp., property in the township for $18,000.
Estate filed
-âArline G. Evans, aka Arline Evans, late of Factoryville, letters testamentary to F. Thomas and D. Gary Evans, executors, c/o Nicholas D. Lutz of Marshall, Parker & Weber LLC, 1065 Highway 315, Suite 402, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702.