Marriage licenses
-âEarl Fedrick and Brittany Ann Smith, both of Scranton.
-âMichael Joseph Belfanti, Scranton, and Ashley Marie Garbarino, Blakely.
-âAnthony Joseph Siciliano Jr. and Briann Marie Pirritano, both of Scranton.
-âCurtis John Mulhern, Dallas, and Sicong Zhou, Scranton.
-âJoseph Patrick Strain and Amy Marie Krempasky, both of Carbondale.
-âJohn Dale Green II, Moosic, and Kristi Lee Givens, Old Forge.
Property transactions
-âMary F. Martin, individually and as administratrix of the estate of Pauline Merva Martin, Archbald, to Brett Kaspriskie, Thornhurst; a property in Thornhurst Twp. for $87,500.
-âThomas N. and Thomas A. Toole, Dunmore, to Billy M. Court, Throop; a property at 413 Cypress St., Throop, for $135,000.
-âLNM Property Offerings LLC, Lamar Twp., to Robert Franklin, Scranton; a property at 1020 Richmont St., Scranton, for $95,000.
Federal tax liens
-âGregory Aston, 15 Gudz Road, Spring Brook Twp.; $25,483.60.
-â1432 Vine Street Corp., 1123 Eureka Ave., Scranton; $7,668.90.
State tax liens
-âFoundation Healthcare LLC, trading as Cedar Residence, 929 Cedar Ave., Scranton; $20,092.49.
-âDaniel Ubaldini and Kimberly Mellen, 1916 Farr St., Scranton; $1,597.60.
-âCharles A. McDonald, 111 Parkland Drive, Clarks Summit; $1,760.58.
-âMartin B. Jackett, 128 Taroli St., Old Forge; $392.94.
-âRichard E. Sienkiewicz, 331 N. Main St., Moscow; $2,270.55.
-âTwanna C. McNeal, 1074 Pear St., Scranton; $626.40.
-âKim Leslie Daniels, Jefferson Twp., v. Mark Douglas Daniels, Syracuse, N.Y.; married April 16, 1994, in Lackawanna County; James W. Reid, attorney.
-âSherri L. Pettinato, Old Forge, v. Jeffrey J. Pettinato, Fort Dix, N.J.; married June 30, 2000, in Scranton; Michael R. Mey, attorney.
-âRuth Ann Kerstetter, Scranton, v. Patrick Kerstetter, Orangeville, Pa.; married Nov. 30, in Wilkes-Barre; pro se.
-âAnil H. Ruparella, Scranton, v. Sharmistha Ruparella, Gujarat, India; married July 28, 2009, in Gujarat, India; Ernest A. Sposto Jr., attorney.
-âSarai Arnold, 20423 24th St., KPS, Lake Bay, Wash., v. Rebecca M. Frushon, 521 First Ave., Jessup, seeking in excess of $50,000, and in excess of the applicable arbitration limits plus costs, delay damages and attorney's fees on two counts, for injuries suffered July 17, 2012, when the plaintiff was bitten by the plaintiff's dog; Neil F. MacDonald, attorney.
-âRobert Sanderson, 36 Plum Ave., Carbondale, v. Propst Bussing & Transportation Co. Inc., also known as Propst Bus Service and Propst Transportation, 390 Main St., Archbald, seeking in excess of $50,000, plus interest and costs, for injuries suffered Sept. 12, 2012, in an automobile crash on Viewmont Drive, Dickson City; Joseph R. Rydzewski, attorney.
estates filed
-âHelen Gloria Kelly, also known as Helen G. Kelly, 216 Maple St., Moscow, letters testamentary to John A. Kelly, same address.
-âGeorge R. Dillon, 6½ Moosic St., Moosic, letters of administration to Michael E. Dillon, 95 Mount Hygeia Road, Foster, R.I.
-âBruce Harvey, 1511 Court St., Scranton, letters testamentary to Jason Harvey, 699 Newton Road, Scranton.
-âErnest Radicchi, also known as Ernest T. Radicchi, 1023 Myers Ave., Blakely, letters testamentary to Lisa Holden, 504 Park Lane, Moscow.
-âSylvia A. Alexander, 100 Smallacombe Drive, Unit 3, Scranton, letters testamentary to James Thomas Alexander, 125 Hazelton Drive, Greentown.
-âCarole Ann Russomano, 7 Laurel Drive, Apt. 61, Scranton, letters of administration to Pamela Hubshman, 20 Barber Lane, Taylor.
-âShirley J. Davies, also known as Shirley L. Davies, 635 N. Hyde Park Ave., Scranton, letters testamentary to Curtis G. James, 6004 W. Douneray Loop, Crystal River, Fla., and Thomas Kach, 110 Edgewood Drive West, South Abington Twp.
-âThomas G. Gilligan, 118 Stone Ave., Clarks Summit, letters testamentary to Maxine R. Gilligan, same address.