Senior Judge Chester B. Muroski, presiding over Domestic Relations Contempt Court on Tuesday, ordered the following defendants jailed for failure to pay child support:
Kervin O Marte, 812 Hazleton Apartments, Hazle Township, jailed for 60 days for failure to pay $1,845.
Michael Negron, 157 Matson St., Wilkes-Barre, jailed for 90 days for failure to pay $3,200.
John Switzer, 59 Nicholson St., Wilkes-Barre, jailed for 30 days for failure to pay $2,782.
Paul D. Lamoreaux, Jr., 111 Sawmill Road, Hunlock Creek, jailed for 90 days for failure to pay $4,452.
The following defendants have warrants out for their arrest:
Raymond Skitzki, 29 Ashmore Road, Stockton No. 6, Hazle Township, for failure to pay $919.
Richard Hawk, Jr., 293 E. Grove St., Kingston, for failure to pay $930.
Joseph Kosior, 241 Ashley St., Plymouth, for failure to pay $1,660.
Christopher Griffiths, 236 Zerby Ave., Edwardsville, for failure to pay $4,106; for failure to pay $2,792.
Albert Kachinsky, 27 Butler St., Pittston, for failure to pay $3,423.
Karriem Buckrham, 3549 School St., Noxen, for failure to pay $670.
Kristy Frank, 9 Bonko Drive, Hunlock Creek, for failure to pay $659.
Property Transactions
Brian A. Rhodes and Amy L. Rhodes to Kirk H. Johnson and Rachel A. Johnson for $360,500; Fairview Township.
David Eddy and Janet W. Eddy to James M. Plishka for $140,000; Lehman Township.