Shawn Michael Maiers and Ainsley Elizabeth MacDougal.
Luis Alonso Nieto Portillo and Amadelia Jassim Martinez Escobar.
Benjamin Joseph Kovaleski II and Maria Anastasia Diakatos.
Danash Ganjeh and Leila Ann Weitock.
Shane Jeffrey Walton and Saundra Jennifer Colon.
Ivo Antonio Cruz and Catherine Martha Cook.
Devin Alexander Patrick and Brittany Elizabeth Tarselli.
Mohamad Shabazz Parson and Devon Tiffany Campbell.
Joseph David Smith and Michelle Distefano.
Victor Salim Elmir and Angela Marie Duris.
Theron James Roberts Jr. and Kristin Elizabeth Godlewski.
Jose Antonio Gutierrez and Maria Soto.
Todd Michael Johnson and Elysia Carmen Balavage.
Daniel Anthony Owens and Carrie Elizabeth Clark.
Kaitlin Amanda Lemitch and Kaitlyn Anne Collins.
Jeffrey Alan Lutz and Edward Kapuschinsky.
Royan Altmann and Amanda Marie Snopek.
Sean Patrick Kenney and Rachel Marie Ebert.
Donald David Hudzinsky Jr. and Alison Rose Odell.
Kerry Vincent Rizzo and Kimberly Lee Gyle.
Jeffrey James Jonathan Click and Lydia Joy Eroh.
Bryan Joseph Matyjevich and Jillian Joyce Dobrowalski.
Robert Matthew Leo and Mary Catherine Dolores Costigan.
Allen Scott Culp and Sandra Lee Everett.
George Patrick McAdarra Jr. and Desiree Joanne Riggs.
Nicholas Hewitt and Danielle Morgan Falkowski.
Shirley Elizabeth Phillips and Andrea Victoria Ellis.
William Vincent Warunek and Carol Jo Muldoon.
Matthew Joseph Snipas and Megan Justine Rink.
Eric Snarski and Crystal Marie Hudock.