Federal National Mortgage Association (per attorney in fact), Fannie Mae (per attorney in fact) and Phelnan Hallinan LLP (attorney in fact) to Namie Schowgurow for $97,000; West Wyoming.
Louise A. Hastings (administratrix) and Robert Koslosky (estate) to Tabitha D. Smith and Patrick Alan Shaffer Jr. for $100,000; West Wyoming.
Quinary Group LLC to Stegmaier Mansion LLC for $405,000; Wilkes-Barre.
Pennymac Corp. (per attorney in fact) and Pennymac Loan Services LLC (attorney in fact) to Justin Wright for $110,000; Nescopeck Township.
Barbara Morelli (agent) and Josephine Jagozinski (per agent) to John V. Floryan and Rosemary Floryan for $103,000; Swoyersville.