Marriage licenses
-âBryan Alden Crandall and Ashley Lynn Chapple, both of Jermyn.
-âJeffery Allen Tigert, Duncan, Okla., and Brittney Nicole Dixon, Mayfield.
Property transactions
-âBuy Fair Realty LLC, Scranton, to Joseph and Kimberly Marchese, Dunmore; a property at 1202 Webster Ave. Rear, Dunmore, for $37,000.
-âMaurie E. Altmann, South Abington Twp., to Sean and Heather McCormick, South Abington Twp.; a property at 111 Wells St., South Abington Twp., for $162,000.
-âTheresa L. Andreoni, Blakely, to Daniel J. and Christina Horn, Jessup; three parcels in Blakely for $175,000.
Divorce Sought
-âGwendolyn Philmeck, Dunmore, v. James Philmeck, Dunmore; married June 6, 2000; Elaine C. Geroulo, attorney.
-âJoseph L. Abuiso, 322 Green St., Scranton, v. Peter Melcher, 1440 LaCrosse Ave., Reading, Berks Products Corp., Berks Transportation Inc. and Berks Transit Inc., all of 167 Berks Product Drive, Leesport, seeking in excess of $75,000, plus interest and costs on four counts, plus punitive damages on four counts, for injuries suffered June 13, 2012, in an automobile crash on Route 202, West Chester; John M. Mulcahey, attorney.
-âDenise Matylewicz, 1916 Rosanne Ave., Scranton, v. Joseph G. Widzbell Jr., 1764 McDonough Ave., Scranton, seeking in excess of the jurisdictional limit regarding arbitration referral by local rule, plus interest and costs, for injuries suffered Sept. 24, 2013, in an automobile accident North Keyser Avenue and Keyser Oak Shopping Center, Scranton; James J. Conaboy, attorney.
-âDoris H. Clifford, 1722 N. Webster Ave., Dunmore, letters testamentary to Robert M. Clifford, 39 Burch Drive, Morris Plains, N.J.
-âSusan Vaccaro, 302 Grant St., Olyphant, letters of administration to Jennifer Vaccaro, 117 Throop St., Scranton.